Lab 1 - AWS IoT Button

A couple years ago, AWS announced the AWS IoT Button you could order from Why not create our own?

For this lab, our M5StickC will act as an AWS IoT Button, allowing you to trigger downstream AWS Services.


In order to configure the code and your M5StickC for Lab1, you must change the following lines of code:

In file: ~/environment/workshop/amazon-freertos/vendors/espressif/boards/m5stickc/aws_demos/application_code/m5stickc_lab_config.h



Rebuild Code

cd ~/environment/workshop/amazon-freertos/vendors/espressif/boards/m5stickc/aws_demos
make all -j4

Flash Code

Please follow the same procedure from Flash the firmware files.


Log into your AWS IoT Management console, use the web MQTT client and subscribe to the following topic:


Click your M5StickC button: You should see the following JSON document flow on the broker

	"serialNumber": "[YOUR DEVICE SERIAL NUMBER]",
	"clickType": "SINGLE"

Hold your M5StickC button: You should see the following JSON document flow on the broker

	"serialNumber": "[YOUR DEVICE SERIAL NUMBER]",
	"clickType": "HOLD"


You are done with Lab 1.

Knowledge check

  • Q1: m5stickc/+, what does the ”+” do?

The ”+” in the topic name, acts as a wildcard for that given section of the topic. There are 2 topic wildcards that can be used:

Wildcard Description
# Must be the last character in the topic to which you are subscribing. Works as a wildcard by matching the current tree and all subtrees. For example, a subscription to Sensor/# receives messages published to Sensor/, Sensor/temp, Sensor/temp/room1, but not the messages published to Sensor.
+ Matches exactly one item in the topic hierarchy. For example, a subscription to Sensor/+/room1 receives messages published to Sensor/temp/room1, Sensor/moisture/room1, and so on.
  • Q2: What can you replace ”+” with?

In our IoT Button use-case, we saw that the button publishes to a topic that has m5stickc/[YOUR DEVICE SERIAL NUMBER]. In the MQTT client, if you subscribe to that specific topic (ie. m5stickc/[YOUR DEVICE SERIAL NUMBER]), you will see the data coming only from your device.


  • Can you create an AWS IoT Rule that gets triggered on a button press and sends your cell phone an SMS?
  • Can you make that rule ONLY send you an SMS if you HOLD the button?
  • Can you modify the AWS IoT Policy you created in prior steps to limit communications to only the required topics?