Supported devices

As of March 2020, this workshop and the different labs are designed to work on ESP32 based devices. Hopefully with the support of the community we will be able to onboard more devices.

Given we are using different devices not all of the lab capabilities are supported. The following table hopefully outlines the capabilities of a device vs. another.

Note: By default, the labs are designed to run on the M5StickC device. To change the device on which to run, you must edit the ~/environment/workshop/include/lab_config.h file with the appropriate #define value.

Device #define Supported capabilities
M5StickC #define DEVICE_M5STICKC The M5StickC is an ESP32 Pico based device. It has an accelerometer, screen and 2 buttons
ESP32DevkitC #define DEVICE_ESP32_DEVKITC The ESP32 DevkitC is an ESP32 based device. It only has 1 button
Following devices are currently WIP:    
M5Stack #define DEVICE_M5STACK The M5Stack is an ESP32 based device. It has a screen and 2 buttons
